30 November, 2019

Playing Chess

You have lost
the innocence. Rainbow
will spread the news.

Word's power splits
the enigmas. The pain connects
the blood of limbs.

The yellow roses
grieve for the silken hold
of dying charisma.

Satish Verma

29 November, 2019

The Trial

The contradiction
of winds on the tall dome
gives luxury of fall.

You step into fire,
and walk through the flames
to test the truth.

Threadbare life
was beautiful. There was
nothing left to give.

Satish Verma

28 November, 2019

Leaves Are Changing Colors

There was no
blasphemy. Love gives
power to forgive.

Vestigial pain
was insulting. You always
feel a presence.

Beauty was intact.
You were sleeping on wings.
Bird was not ready to fly.

Satish Verma

27 November, 2019

Broken Bridges

If you come near
the moon, you will find the
collective grief.

Someone sets free
hundreds of fireflies
to begin talk with me.

The angels are
becoming boneless. Your throne
is dirty. Temple sobs.

Satish Verma

26 November, 2019

O Trinity

What did you hurl?
Tell me all the lies. Pain―
and truth stand on stage.

Predawn jasmines,
open their eyes to
salute the sun.

A ligature bruise
on the body of moon speaks
of brutal assault.

Satish Verma

25 November, 2019


You have to die
to live again for bloodline.
See how the wind blows.

The black roses go
in flames. I change myself
to understand you.

There was no niche
in your wall to place my
deity to mirror me.

Satish Verma

24 November, 2019

Without Fear

the words will be buried
in tongue like nails.

Like you want to
meet the Demigoddess, before
you go in bloom.

Ancient nemesis
takes the onus on, for
the fall of grace.

Satish Verma

23 November, 2019

Tangerines Sing

You will say what you
did not want to say, about
golden ring of coins.

Glittering colors
hurt the blue eyes in sun.
Pain of earth cries.

Will you sing an
anthem for the departing
soul of unmasked angel?

Satish Verma

Touching Everywhere

Hiding your thoughts
you communicate. Lips don't
move. Silence speaks.

Unhinged, wither
autocracy. Why you were

The panic of the
neutral sex, delivers the
body of message.

Satish Verma

21 November, 2019

Taking Revenge

Your layers are
thick. You will invite the
stains of fallen stars.

Why you want to sell
a fake idea, wrapped
in tears of sunken eyes?

A moon wants to cry
at harvest time Come September,
we collect the bowls.

Satish Verma

20 November, 2019

I Was Lost

When will you go
in dark to explore the yawning
abyss of man's heart?

To rub the flesh and
bones to unmake god's will?
You truly want answer?

You don't want miracles.
Had you not covered my wounds
in blind oceans?

Satish Verma

19 November, 2019


A mysterious nudge
wakes an idea in you.
Can you think differently?

See through your
mind, by virtue of birth
and death of past.

Don't you cover
your face with wrinkles.
Sun will never die.

Satish Verma

18 November, 2019

Justice Pure

Inquiring myself
to understand the goddess
of visitations.

This world was not
my choice. Space was shrinking,
and time expanding.

I walk in the crowd
to be lynched on the name
of forgotten god.

Satish Verma

17 November, 2019


You were not sin.
Pain interrupted to trigger
an ancient love.

Marigolds were in
bloom. Copper― brown. Your body
does not belong to you.

Paper dreams fly
to catch the moon in dark.
Time to burn wings.

Satish Verma

16 November, 2019

By Kisses

You can see whole
world in my mouth. I start
knitting a blood scarf.

To raise gender,
thebeestings will play a role.
The skin prints history.

You become your
own teacher to read the hymns
engraved on leaves.

Satish Verma

The Entity

I take a lesson
from you O god, before
I write the end.

Who will rise from
the dust of the ruins after
the volcanic blast?

A celebration was
stalled when you had landed
on the dark moon.

Satish Verma

15 November, 2019


Light digs up the hope.
You appear like pure flint.
Sorrow will tell truth.

Weep weep my sun.
Black hole will swallow you.
No need to drink hemlock.

The blank paper has
hidden markings. God wants
to become mortal.

Satish Verma

The End Starts

The answers look
at questions, like sparrows
did not find home.

Where wouldgo, the
butterfly poems, to color
the barren thoughts?

You glide like river
of blood in the eyes of
wounded moon.

Satish Verma

14 November, 2019

Echoes Travel

Can you foretell of the
death-like the hound― after
the loss of game?

Past my last poems I
will meet you one day
to settle the debts.

I was incomplete
in my wholeness. I will dissect
the words for bleeds.

Satish Verma

Picking Relics

You didn't want to
age, rediscovering,
pain of birth, to live.

To remain atheist
was better than many gods. You
belong to yourself.

Juxtaposed with
blank walls, a bohemian
draws image of sin.

Satish Verma

12 November, 2019

The Voyager

A forgotten truth
lands softly on the wet grass.
I had lost the words.

The moon was cut on
table to taste the honey of
towering love.

The hidden face
in womb of the earth smiles
in darkness of pain.

Satish Verma


I would be thinking
of you in dangerous journey.
Who was redeemer?

When tree eats
its own roots, I become
sad. What role I play?

Thoughts tremble.
I cannot stop you burning.
I weep with my God.

Satish Verma

09 November, 2019

I Remember

I had my scars.
This war will not end any day,
fighting with my brute.

Your presence I
feel in my wounds. Will not
convert meinto martyr.

Soon I will pick
up bloody path of learning,
what I am, I was.

Satish Verma

I Am You Are

Migration continues,
me to you. Conception guides
you to deep sea.

At middle― of pain
there can be mass extinction
of thoughts. You stay.

Like printing on
tablet of psyche, my genre of
immortal yearning.

Satish Verma

07 November, 2019

Greek Thoughts

Season's intimacy
starts schooling you. The voice
halts the bloodshed.

From bone to bone.
Love is halved, flesh here
and there. No bargains.

Let me touch your
sprinkling glass, before you move
a step to sip hemlock.

Satish Verma

05 November, 2019

Unseeing You

In its entirety your
life was a truth. Then why were
you tethered to sky?

You will shut your
eyes to hide the squint
of moon in distress.

How do I deliver
the pain of crying earth under
the blood clouds?

Satish Verma

04 November, 2019

The Man And God

Sometimes it
was better, not to know the
intrigues of temples.

Nude bodies on
ancient walls beseech all day
for liberation.

A love story will
always fascinate you, with
a gender healing.

Satish Verma

03 November, 2019


Sitting at seeding
time, tasting elixir of death
before you were born.

Can you tell me, how
much I had lived with you
without tragedies?

Blackout filters
the light to come to eyes.
I don't want to see end.

Satish Verma

02 November, 2019

Waiting For Flames

The kindness drips,
when you stop writing about
yourself in sun.

The war continues
between dust and stars under
the gaze of Agni.

Part by part you
are throwing your flesh
to red eagles.

Satish Verma

01 November, 2019

Deep Voices

In my smallness
I think tall. Nymphs want to
become ageless.

Black earth moves
the moon― Spirits were
saddened. Mayflies.

Would die in one
day. The wholeness has a
purpose to kill.

Satish Verma